Quick and Easy Marketing Funnels with Zenler

Jul 17, 2024 |

Marketing Funnels are amazingly versatile and easy to create inside Zenler, let's jump in and create a lead magnet that will drive sale conversions.

What are Marketing Funnels?

Marketing funnels are a series of pages or steps that take people through to an end goal because generally they always offer something of value, they are a very powerful way to capture leads for conversion to sales!

Marketing funnel examples

What type of Funnels can you create with Zenler?

Let's say you can create any kind of funnel because Zenler is so versatile and not stuck to a rigid set of rules, it is easy to come up with some amazingly different marketing funnel types.

Some funnel types that you can create with Zenlers Funnel System:

  1. Lead Magnet
    A Simple option and thankyou pages using the power of email automation this is the simplest type of funnel
  2. Video Series funnel
    You can send people through a series or one video, this is great for on-demand training and is a very powerful approach to marketing
  3. Live Funnel
    The live funnel is where you can register people for a live, then interact with your subscribers
  4. Email Trigger Funnel
    This is a simple option and then you can set a series of emails to go out, it's an effective email-based marketing method
  5. Hybrid Approach
    Use a combination of the above approaches together, giving you maximum flexibility for your funnel types

Why use Zenler Sales Funnel System I thought it was an Online Course Platform?

That's right Zenler is an all-in-one online course platform, but it is built from the ground up around Marketing and marketing tools and this is why Zenler has Marketing Funnels built in.

And it's so easy to use and so versatile we have hundreds of users just paying for the paid plan to use the funnels system alone!

With the ability to set up your own personalised emails and sequences and trigger them by an action or event it really does mean you are in control.

You can set up extra pages or steps as easily as 1, 2, 3 and you have access to the most intuitive drag-and-drop page builder on the planet, Zenler is truly the online course platform of choice, look at me as a veteran course creator I love Zenler so much I work for them!

Marketing funnel stages with examples

The sole purpose of a marketing funnel is to capture leads based on your niche, these can be simple or very complex with Zenler you can do literally anything.

Let's look at a simple funnel:

  1. A simple form to register a lead
  2. Then they go to a thankyou page
  3. An email gets sent with the value (the information or freebie)
  4. A follow-up email with an offer for the sale

Simple and powerful, sometimes you don't need complex right?
See the 9 Steps to create a simple funnel below to see how simple it is inside Zenler!

Video Series funnel:

  1. A simple form to register a lead
  2. Then they go to a thankyou page
  3. An email gets sent with a link to a step in the funnel that contains a video
  4. They watch the video and are then sent via an email or button to your offer!

Automated email Trigger:

  1. A simple form to register a lead
  2. Then they go to a thankyou page
  3. An email's get sent you can schedule a series of emails to go out something like 5 days of valuable tips by email, the last email contains your offer

The main thing with any marketing it should be of VALUE and you should always have a next step, in most cases your offer!

How do the Marketing Funnels work can you show me?

Absolutely let's create a simple Lead magnet in 8 Steps, you can also watch the video for even more information, we love education here at Zenler it's what we do!

8 Steps to Creating a Perfect Funnel with Zenler

Step 1 create the funnel

Quick and Easy Marketing Funnels with Zenler

Simply go to Marketing Funnels in your Admin dashboard and hit Create Funnel Done!

Zenler makes it super simple to create and build your funnel, but it has a to of power as well, our aim make it easy to use, flexible and powerful.

Step 2 Choose the Funnel Type

Lead magnet or video series funnels

Zenler lets you choose what type of funnel type you want, but the system is so flexible you can use either type and create the same in each, you are not restricted by choice or design, for this example, we will choose Lead Magnet as our type

Step 3 Name the Funnel and add the offer!

Marketing funnel stages with examples

Now we add the name and a freebie if we want to this is optional, in my example, I add the PDF download in the email as it stops fake sign-ups!

Step 4 Choose a base design

Marketing funnel template

Choose one of our cool marketing funnel templates just select and click next, Zenler will then start creating the whole funnel set up in a jiffy!

Step 5 Funnel created

Sales Funnel

The whole Funnel is created for you, giving you access to everything all in one place, the first place to start is to edit the design to how you want it to look, with a tone of options and using our simple drag-and-drop page builder it's a dream.

Step 6 Edit your Marketing Funnel just how you want it

It is so easy with Zenler to edit and design your Funnel Steps, just type in text change colours and it's done!

Step 7 Setup automation for your Funnel

Setup automation for your Funnel

Now we need to set up the emails called automation where when someone signs up the emails get sent or triggered based on actions, it's super easy to do, and you can preview or test these emails before going to market.

Step 8 Testing our Marketing Funnel

Testing our Marketing Funnel

Finally, test your Marketing Funnel and voila you have a Sales and Marketing Funnel created in a few minutes, all with Zenler.

Now wasn't that easy, but don't be fouled you can make the designs look however you want and there are even more powerful features we have not mentioned, subscribe to our blog to be informed about part 2 of this blog!

Some more examples of sales funnels built with Zenler

At Zenler we run lots of free workshops for our members here are two examples of funnels we built just using Zenler.

examples of sales funnels

And here is another again all built using the best online course platform on the planet.

online course platform

Part 2 Workshop on the Marketing funnel

You have created a simple funnel, now let's make it your own

See this workshop run live on our Facebook Group where we will take the same funnel above and make it your own by customising it and adding more steps, all very easy to do inside Zenler.

We hope you have enjoyed this little blog from us at Zenler, and remember if you are a course creator give Zenler a test drive today and see your business skyrocket!

Melissa Dillon - The Insurance Exam Queen
Makes 100k a month using Zenler and we congratulate her on making her 1 Million Sale using us - Want to hear her story?
>> Read More

Take care guys and remember to subscribe so you never miss a blog/vlog from us!
All the best
Team Zenler

Categories: : Zenler Marketing Help/Advice

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